About us 

Launched in September 2021, the Greater Manchester Civic University Agreement brings together the region’s five higher education institutions and Greater Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham in a collaborative effort to drive social, economic and environmental change in our city region.

The Greater Manchester Civic University Agreement was signed by the Vice-Chancellors of the University of Bolton, the University of Manchester, Manchester Metropolitan University and the University of Salford, the principal of the Royal Northern College of Music and Greater Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham, alongside each of the 10 local authority leaders of the city region.

Drawing on what people in Greater Manchester told us they valued about their universities, we’ve committed to collective action on six priority areas – education and skills, reducing inequalities, jobs and growth, the digital economy, net zero and the creative and cultural economy.

What is a Civic University Agreement?

A Civic University Agreement (CUA) is a formal commitment between a university (or group of universities) and its local community to work together to address shared challenges and opportunities. It outlines how universities will use their resources, expertise, and influence to contribute to the social, economic, and cultural development of the region.  

  • Greater Manchester Skyline

    Our Shared Priorities

    Scroll to find out more about our six shared priorities for Greater Manchester

  • Children interacting with STEM activity

    Education & Skills

    We aim to create the best environment for young people to grow up in Greater Manchester and support lifelong learning for all.

  • Greater Manchester Aerial Photo

    Reducing Inequalities

    As anchor institutions, we will work to reduce inequalities within Greater Manchester and between the region and the rest of the UK.

  • Woman working in lab

    Jobs & Growth

    We will work with leading innovators from business, science, universities, FE colleges, and local government to drive growth and create jobs.

  • Digital image of brain made of connections

    Digital Economy

    We will work together to drive growth in key digital sectors, aiming to make Greater Manchester a top-5 European digital city-region.

  • Hills with reservoir and wind turbines

    Net Zero

    We will direct our research, innovation, courses and operations to support Greater Manchester’s 2038 zero-carbon target.

  • Woman taking picture of artwork

    Creative & Cultural Eeconomy

    We will build on Greater Manchester’s strong cultural sector to boost tourism, economic growth, and social impact.

Our Partners