Our shared priorities

  • Children interacting with STEM activity

    Education & Skills

    We aim to create the best environment for young people to grow up in Greater Manchester and support lifelong learning for all.

    We will address education and skills gaps in the region by collaborating with businesses and further education providers, increasing apprenticeship opportunities, and engaging with underrepresented groups.

  • Hilton Hotel from Castlefield Canal Lock

    Reducing Inequalities

    As anchor institutions, we will work to reduce inequalities within Greater Manchester and between the region and the rest of the UK.

    By implementing relevant parts of the refreshed Greater Manchester Strategy and building on the Independent Inequalities Commission's findings, we aim to level up opportunities and life chances for all.

  • Woman in headscarf working at a computer in a lab

    Jobs & Growth

    We will work with leading innovators from business, science, universities, FE colleges, and local government to drive growth and create jobs.

    By expanding Innovation GM, we aim to create 100,000 jobs, boost R&D investment, and enhance the region's economic growth, building on its strengths in advanced materials, health, digital, creative, and net zero.

  • A white humanoid robot named Pepper, standing in a room with a tablet displaying its name and various icons.

    Digital Economy

    We will work together to drive growth in key digital sectors, aiming to make Greater Manchester a top-5 European digital city-region.

    By supporting initiatives like the Cyber Foundry and AI Foundry, we will drive innovation, create jobs, and improve public health through technology-driven solutions.

  • Greenbooth Reservoir with wind turbines and a stone house.

    Net Zero

    We will direct our research, innovation, courses and operations to support Greater Manchester’s 2038 zero-carbon target.

    We will collaborate to establish emission baselines, set reduction targets, and embed low-carbon knowledge and training into our curricula to prepare students for a low-carbon future.

  • Manchester Central Library

    Creative and Cultural Economy

    We will build on Greater Manchester’s strong cultural sector to boost tourism, economic growth, and social impact.

    By enhancing accessibility to our cultural institutions, supporting creative talent, and promoting cultural education, we aim to make the region a leading cultural destination.